Article 7B.

Public School Unit Requirements.

Part 1. Definitions.

§ 115C-76.1.  Definitions.

As used in this Article, the following definitions apply:

(1) Reserved for future codification purposes.

(2) Child. - A person less than 18 years of age who has not been emancipated pursuant to Article 35 of Chapter 7B of the General Statutes.

(3) Reserved for future codification purposes.

(4) Reserved for future codification purposes.

(5) Parent. - A person who has legal custody of a child, including a natural parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian.

(6) Principal. - A school administrator employed as a principal of a school, as provided in Article 19 of this Chapter, or the staff member with the highest decision-making authority at a school, if there is no principal.

(7) School personnel. - Any of the following:

a. An employee of a public school unit, whether full-time or part-time, including substitute teachers, driver training teachers, bus drivers, clerical staff, and custodians.

b. An independent contractor or employee of an independent contractor of a public school unit, if the independent contractor carries out duties customarily performed by school personnel and has significant access to students, whether paid with federal, State, local, or other funds.

(8) Superintendent. - Any of the following:

a. A superintendent of a local school administrative unit, as provided in Article 18 of this Chapter, or designee.

b. The staff member with the highest decision-making authority for a public school unit, if there is no superintendent or designee. (2023-106, s. 2(a).)